Rory is obsessed with pumpkins. I mean she just loves them. She has to “hi pun-ki” every morning to the pumpkins outside her daycare and I swear it’s the best. She does get this honestly. I cannot help myself at the pumpkin patch. Every year I pick out near 10 pumpkins and gourds to place throughout our house, on our steps, and to cook down for pumpkin pies throughout the winter. This sounds silly, and a bit basic maybe, but something about them just makes me happy. Their shapes are perfectly imperfect. I search for ones with twisty gnarled stems and bumpy distorted silhouettes. Their colors are so vibrant and warm. They simply just make me happy to see around.
This year we let Rory pick out some of her very own. She picked out a few of the big ones but also got such a kick out of the little ones small enough for her to carry. She’s toddling around our house carrying her tiny pumpkin and it’s moments like that I don’t think life gets any better.

Brynn Burke Photography is a central Ohio family photographer also specializing in maternity photography, newborn photography, and baby photography serving Columbus, Dublin, Powell, New Albany, Granville, Delaware, and Dayton.
I believe every family is unique and family photos are your most priceless possession. Sessions can be held in the studio for more traditional portraits, or in the field at sunset. A luxuriously crafted experience, including a full wardrobe stocked with designer gowns, beautiful clothing for the littles, and organic and artful toys for play, allows your session to be carefree and enjoyable. I would love to begin planning your custom portrait session. If you would like more details on the session experience with Brynn Burke Photography please click here for more details.
If this is something you would love for your family, please head over to my contact page to get started.